Feb. 4, 1990
My name is Walter Richardson, I am a paraplegic for twenty years now. Since the age of eighteen I've been in a wheelchair. A few months ago I ran into Baba Ito on Telegraph Ave. in Berkeley. He told me he was a healer and would like to help me. On December 9th he placed his hands on the back of my neck and forehead. I immediately felt energy running down my back to my amazement, since I had not been able to feel anything from my neck down for twenty years. This continued for about fifteen minutes and the healing was over. A few weeks later on Dec. 28, 1989 Baba showed up again on Telegraph and once more did a healing for [me,] but this time the energy went all the way down to my toes. A third healing took place much the same way and my legs began to feel very heavy of course. This was the first time in twenty years I felt anything at all [in my legs]. Many of my friends witnessed these healings. The last time that Baba had a cassette tape deck with him and recorded these healings as I experienced it, how I felt. I am very grateful to Baba for giving me control of my body. For verification of these healings, feel free to call me. Bless you Baba.
Walter D. Richardson
2951 Berkeley, CA
(405) 848-2926