When the U.S.A. was at war in Vietnam, most never thought
that there might be a war on terrorism involving Israel, America and religious
freedom, that may relate to prophecies about the preparation for the coming of
the Messiah. Yet on April 24, 1970, Aka, the spiritual messengers of God, may
have prophesied what we see in the news today:
"Now is the time of the Red Horse, for the fuse
is burning, one in Israel, the other in what thy call Vietnam....
"For now is the time of the Great Sword, the
sword that cuts two ways.
[See The Revelation
6:3-4, which says, "And out came a horse all red. To its rider was
given power to take peace from the earth and make men slaughter one another.” And see The Revelation
19:11-16, which tells of a sword, the word of God, in the coming of the Messiah.]
"It [would] be advised that thy group set aside certain provisions, for it is -- not yet, but later, the time will come when these are needed."
For the past three days, the Pakistan military battles
against the terrorists, Al Qaeda, in their stronghold in the northern region of
Pakistan near the Afghanistan border. Pakistan has been a training ground for
radical fundamentalists who teach that it is God's word to kill others in what
they call a holy war.
January 29, 1988, Aka was asked, ““In 1973, you spoke of the Red Horse, to beware of the red horse. Who
is the Red Horse……?””
Red Horse is Pakistan.
“You have given unto this country of Palestine — you have given unto the ‘Black
[Note: A bloody battle by this name in 1970, led by Yasser Arafat, marks the beginning of the terrorist movement. After 'Black September' some radical militant fundamentalists dispersed to other countries. Those who remained formed Arafat's Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and wrote a proposed Palestinian Charter, which called for the annihilation of Zionism (or Israel). Many times through the years since Aka’s first prophecy, the Israelis negotiated land for peace, that this clause be removed from the Palestinian charter. But terrorist attacks continue.]
"And for what the nations shall give unto the
power of the Palestinians, [it] is but a short time that they shall have it
back. For this is a nation of terrorists, murders, who have cared not, for they
have not known God, nor shall they ever, for they are the Anti-Christ.
they should come unto you and say, 'Woe is me.'
But when they kill you and kill your children and rob
your churches — and they have already done these things and proven themselves
[to be] that which they are — they condemn themselves in the eyes of God."
The news media reports that Osama
bin Laden's top advisor, Ayman Al Zawahin, mastermind of the September 11,
2001, attack on the World Trade Center and U.S. Pentagonmay be wounded or under
seige by the Pakistan military. He is thought to have been the major focus
behind most of the terrorist plots. He is reported to have planned the
assassination of Egyptian leader, Anwar Sadat, who received the Nobel Peace
Prize in 1978 for the peace treaty with Israel.
Were the spiritual messengers of God trying to warn us of
potential terrorism when they told us we would see the first rumblings of the
Anti-Christ in 1977?
Aka spoke these words, August 5, 1977, about the date,
September 6, 1977:
““Upon that date you shall feel the tremors of his (the Anti-Christ’’s) first works.””
Please see http://mywebpage.netscape.com/aupmessiah/terrorism-page4.html
and the following pages.
November 9, 1974, Aka said, “And we say unto thee, it is also written that that
[of] the false prophet would go unto a land to bring forth an eagle from the
land, and so you have seen it happen.
shall say, "Let us give praise unto this one!" He deserves no praise, for he is plotting now to overthrow your country.
Your country is insignificant to us. What is significant to us is your country
under the Lord, thy God, has sworn allegiance that all men are created equal.
That debt the Lord intends to collect.
“This same person
shall see, if he can, the death of many, many of God's people. For he now sees
that the pact with Israel and Egypt is nothing but a piece of paper to be
thrown away. Look deeply into him. See where \pard cs2the money came from.
“We ask you this question. If you are black, you walk
out of the prisons of the Islams, from Iran to in Syria. If you were any other nationality, not to be
Moslem, would you have walked so easily from these lands? Remember Iran, and
how all blacks were released, but not the women, and not those of Mexican
descent or any other descent? This was \pard plain an arrangement that Israel might be sold on the
auction block....”
“Now we say unto all of you, our words are sometimes
lengthy, and sometimes seem unmeaningful. But the Lord, we\pard
fs22 say unto you, knows all things -- and knowing of all
things, knows of love.”
See http://mywebpage.netscape.com/aupmessiah/2003June-Julypage3.html
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