'iiRLE 1.    SYRIAH-ANTIOCME'fE.-- (1) Ignatius Peter III. Pat­?&arch of Antioch. then Metropolitan of Ernesa.   on 2nd June 1166 consecrated (2) Mar Julius,   Bishop ef lena. who in 1874 consecrated (3)  MS?  Peia~i£zs; Archbishop of CaerlCOn-upon-Usk. lit Itritish Patri­arch, who in 1879 consecra~d (4) Mar Theop~i1u5, ArChbishop of Caerleon, 2nd Britiah Patriarch, who lu~l890 Consecrated  (5) Mar Lean  Archbishop  of Saucy, who on 2nd Novemler I 897 cOnsecrated (6) Mar Andries, Archbishop of Claremont. 4th British Patriarch. who on 4th June 1922 co~a~c rated   ('.) Mar Jaeobus, Archbishop of Selsey.. 5th Britiah Patri­arch, who an 13th June 1943 con5ecrated (8)  Mar Saaillus Abdullah Ut   Patriarch of Antioch of the Aucient Orthodox Catholic Rite, who on the 10th April 1~44 Consecrated (9) Mar GeOr~iui.f Patriarch   of Clastonbury. 6th British Patriirch, who on 27th May 1~5O Consecrated (10) Mar Joannes. Titular Arch-bishop of Karirn. The Most Rev. Dr. Harold Percival Nicholson, Primate of The Ancient Catholic Church. who on 20th March 1955,consecrated (II) Mar John lit. Archbishop of The Universal ApostolicChurch of Life. Ilis Crace The Most Reverend Monsignor  Wil­liam Franlilin Wolsey C. 11. P..· B-P. D.. D. D..Sc.M., PLD.. ID. TL


tllliLE 2.    SYRIAN-MALABAR:-  (I) Mar Ignstius Peter  III. Patriarch of Antioch,  in 1877 conSecrated (2) Mar Paul Athanasius. Bishop of Kottayan. who on 29th July 1189 consecrated (3) Mar Julius. Archbishop of Cey­ion. Gea aud india. who on 29th May 18'12 consecrated (4) Joseph Rene Vilatte. Archbis~~p of North Americ~ who on 29th IDecemler 1915 consecrated (5) Frederick Ehenezer John Llo)~. Bishop of Illinois. who on the 8th September 1929 Consecra~ed ( 6) John Churchill Sibley, Missionary Archbishop for En~land,  who on 6tsi Oc~obei 1-935 Consecr~ted (7) John    Sebastian lifarlow Ward, Archbishop of Olivet. who  on  25th August 1945 consecrated sub conditione (8) Mar Gear­glual, Patriarch of Clastonbury, who on 27th   May


I~~0 inii~cratrd (9) MSr Joinnr a. Tltul.~ r A ri:hbi'ihop

.1          Karin,. who 0', the 20th March 1955 consecrated

(8) Mar John 1st. Archbishop of The Universal Apos­tolic Church of Life


3LE 3.     qYRIAN-CALLICAN: - (I) Archbisho~ Joseph Rene Vilatte referred to in Table 2. on 6th ~1ayl900cons~ crated (2) Psolo Mirst:lia Cidotti. Itishop of Pian­Censa,who on 4th December 1904 consecraied(3)Jules Iloussave, Itishop of the Callican Church. who on 21st Ji'ne  1911 con'iecrated (4) Louis Francois Ciraud. Archbishop of Almyre. Caltican Patriarch, who on 28th Decemler 1921 consecrated (S) Pierre Gaston Vj~ue. Callican bishop. who on 3rd Junel924conse-crated (6) Mar Timotheos, Metropolitan of Aquilcia, who on ~iih June 1947 Consecrated (7) Mar Leofrie. Archhiahop of Siifhronia, who on 14th 3ulyl947eonse-crated sub conditione(8) Mar Geur~ius 1. Patriarchof Clastonbury. who On 27th May l~50 consecrated  (9) Mar Joairne'i. TitularArchLishopbf.Kirirn, who on 20th March 1955 COusecrated (10) Mar John   1st, A rekbi shop of The Universal Apostolic Church d Life.


LZ 4.       SYRO-Cl~ALD£AN: -(I) Mar Shimum XVIII. Iteuhen, Patriarch of ~e~ia-Cte siphon and Cntholicosof the East, on 17th December 10(2 con-qecritid (2) Mar Abdeeso Anfonlos, Mctropnlitan of M.ilil~r. who on 24th July lh'i9 consecraied (3) Mar flasilius. Metro­politan of India. Ciylon. .~vinl~orL., Socotri,nnd Mes­sins, who on 30th November 1902 ~O~~~ F rt~d (4) Ul­ne Vernon llerford.Dishop of Mercuand Middlciex, who on28th 1-ebr'inrv 1921 consecrated(S) Mnr Paul­us. Bishop of Kcnt, who on . .th October 1931 con'e­erated(n) M~r l~'idley. Bishop of Siluria, who on 20th May l94~ conae~ rStLd sub condition'. (7) Mar Ci-or~ius

I.   Pitriarch of Clastonbur~. who on 27th M~y  1950 con,ecratcd (8) Mar Joannes, Titular Archbishop of Karim. who on 20th March 1955 Consecrate d(9)Ma r John lit. Archbishop of The Universal  Apostolic Church of Life.

TABL£ S.     CIIALDEAN-UNIATL: -(I) Mar Emmanuel Tl,..~s", Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans in l9l7cons~ crated (2) Mar Antoine Leble me, who on 4th May 1925 consecrated (3) Mar John £m'nanuel. Titular Bishop of Sardi-, who in 1934 consecrated (4) Mar Carolus, Titular Bis~~p of Ames bury, who on 29th April l"45 e.naecrate.f sub conditione (5) Mar CeOr8iuaI.Pat:i. arch of Glastonbu.y, who on :7tt.'Miy l9~0 conheCrSt­eel (6) Mar Joannes, Titular Archbishop o~. Karim, who on 20th March 1955 consecrated (7) l4ar Joli,  1st. Archbiahon, of The Uni,-rsal Apostolic Church of Life.


TABLE 6, COPTIC ORTIIODOX: - (1) Archbishop St. John  the

IDivine llicl'er.'ayon on 27th May 1947 consecrated (2)

Mar Lu~oi. Archb': shop of the West Indies, who on 19th

                       February 1951 Cons:cr~ted sub conditione  (3)        Mar

Joannei'. Titular Archbish~n of Karim, who on 20:h

March 1955 Coniecrated(4) Mar John lit, Archbishop

of The Universal Apostolic Church of Life.


TABL£ 7.     ARMENIAu-UNIATL: - (I) Archlii shop Chorchorunian on f3ril April ~~onseCrated(2) Mar Leon,  Titular Bishop of Malatia, ~-ho on 2nd NOvember l8~7 conic­Crated(3)M~r Andrics. Archbishop of Claremr~t. who on 4th June 1922 Coniecr~ted (4) I-tar Jacubja, Arch-bishop of ~olscy. who on 13th June l~43  consecr~tcl (5) Mar Basill-is Alilulish III, Patriarch of A'itiocb of the Ancient Orthodo~ C- tholic Itite. who on 10th April 1944 consecrated (6) Mar Gcorqius I.  Pstriarch  of Clastonbury, who on 27th May. 1950 con,ecratc~  (7) Mar Joannes, Titular Archbishop of Karim, who on 20th March 1955 Consecrated(l).Mar John lit. Arch -bishop of The Universal Apostolic Church of Life.


TABL£ 8.     ORDF:R 01- COftPORATE R-UN!ON.' -   (1)   Bishop Fredci&c~ Geor~e Lee. ~ .-n 1579 consec.-ste~ (') Mar Theophilos. Arckibishcp efCaer,ro,-u~~n-'us~. who in 1890 consec rated sub tondit ore (3) l,l~r Le~r., Archbishop of Selsey. who on 2r.~' .:ovembtrll97 con­secrated (4) Ms.- Andrics. Arch~isho~ of ClarEniort. who on 4th June 1922 consecrated (5)  Mar Jacobus. Archbishop of Selaer, '.vlo on 13th June  19.13 conse­crated (6)Mar Basilius Abdullsh :u. Patriarch of An­tioch of the Ancient Orthodox Cathoic Rite, who on 10th April 1944 eonsecrated(7) Mar Ceo r~iis 1, Patri­arch of Claston~~ry, who on 27th May 1910 consecrat­ed (8) Mar Joannes, Titular Archbishop of ~ who on 20th March 1955 consecrated (9) MarJohn lit. Arch blshoo of The Universal Ainostolic Church of Life.


TABLE 9.    OLD CATHOLIC-- (I) Gerardus Cul, Archbishop   of­UtrechL. on ~bth April 1908. Consecrated (2)  Arnold Harris Mathew,  Aegionary Old Catholic Archbishop £or Great Britain, who on 29th June 1913 consecrated (3) The Prince de Landas Ber~hea, 'ii shop for Scotland who on 4th Octoher 1916 Cnnsecrated(4)Carn'ei henry Carfora,Archbiahop of the North American Old ~~.nan Catholic Church. who on 10th February 1924 conic-crated (5) Edwin Wallace llunt'r, Archbishop of  the IJ. S. A. and Canada, who nn 24th March 192'? conic­erated (6) WallaCe David de Ori~cs Maxey.who on 6th June 1946 consecrated sub conditionr(7) Mar r.eorgius I. Patriarch Cf Clastonbury. who on 27th MaylISOcon­see rated (ill) I-Ear Joanne q, Titiilar,' rchlii sl.~p Of Ka?im, who on 2011, March l't~5 C,. .'i..eratcd ('i) Mar John 1st.

Archbishop of The Uluverial A~stoIlc Church of Life.



MARIAVITF.:      - (I) Cerardus Gul. Archbishop af Ut­~ October 1909 consecrated (2)  Michael Maria John Kowalaki, Archbishop of Felicianow. Po­land. who on 4th September 193fi consecrated   (3)

Marco Marie Paul Fatome,  Mariavite 13ishop    of France, who on 9th Octob~r 1949 coniecrated(4) Paul Maria llelinut Nirberto Mass,  Mariavite  Bishop of Germany, who on 24th May l'?~3 coniecrated(S) F:lretn Maria Mauro Fusi. Maridvit? ni shop of Italy, who on 26th May 1954 ironseir rated (6) Clemente Alfio  S",,rol March~si.,Mariavite Iii shop of Italy, who on 11th Sep­terinber 1954 consecrated s'ib conditione (7)Mar Joan­nea, Titular Archbishnp of Karim, who on 20th March 1955 consecrated is) Mar John 1st, Archbishop of The Universal Apostolic Church of Life.