The Warrior's Creed

Warriors refuse to be brainwashed by the "Security Myth." Their lives are given meaning by the adventure of risk and uncertainty. They always live on the cutting edge, fully aware that security can never exist in a constantly changing world.

Warriors are always poised, agile and cunning so that when any window of opportunity is opened even slightly they can climb through it with swiftness and precision. Risk and change are their most eagerly anticipated occurrences.

Warriors seek and cherish the competition of other warriors, aware that to compete is to test, improve and hone their skills. They thrive on it.

Warriors answer to no one and refuse to give even one hour of control of their destinies to others, fully aware that they have the wisdom and power to best shape their own lives.

When warriors find opportunities to succeed they put their hands to the plow and never look back. Perseverance and commitment are the cornerstones of their success.

Warriors never fear failure, ridicule or defeat because only quitters and those who give away control detest those periodic but inevitable setbacks.

Warriors are discovered by their actions, not their words. To claim one's warrior is, in itself, a contradiction.

Warriors believe rules are to be broken and authority is to be questioned. They remain loyal only to ideals of integrity and honesty, fully aware of the difference between right and wrong. In the life of warriors there is no grey area because they recognize that if a man will steal an egg, he'll stake an ox.

Warriors are dreamers who always maintain altruistic goals bigger than themselves. When warriors have material possessions so do their friends and families because to share is to know true joy.

Warriors aspire to the highest ceiling in life. They chose to live adventurous lives with the primary intent of passing the ideals of this creed on to future generations via their actions and deeds.

Warriors are on a perpetual quest for excellence in everything they do while most poor souls become relegated to lives of quiet desperation.

Given all the facts warriors can make rational decision in one minute. They detest analysis and refuse to spend time with analysts.

Warriors' priorities are God, family, wisdom and success. The order of these priorities is seldom altered except by occasional errors in judgment, and once discovered the warrior quickly adjusts the mistake.

Warriors accept all responsibility for their actions and seek only mirrors when searching for solutions to personal problems.

Warriors are never cry babies. They adhere rigorously to the most stringent standards of leadership, power and enthusiasm. Temporary unhappiness is quickly replaced by enthusiasm.

Warriors love others enough to always tell them the truth even if painful, and welcome the truth from others without considering criticism a personal attack.

Warriors remain constantly on fire with enthusiasm in an effort to illuminate the paths of those aspiring warriors who come from miles around to watch them burn.

Above all else, warriors understand that the seed of a warrior lies dormant in every human soul. The ultimate goal of all warriors is to reveal and nurture those seeds for all who will listen, knowing that their own personal worth will some day be measured by the number of warriors left behind.

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