One World Light Foundation

April 17, 1991

Dear Leon:

I hope this letter finds you in greater spirit and consciousness than ever before. I'm writing to let you know that I'm speaking with Dr. Rappel Ornstine the founder of the human ecology party, now called the Light Party to send you some information regarding the party. I would like to set up an appointment to see you along with him, sometime around mid-month of May or there after. What would your time schedule be like around then? I hope you had a chance to listen to the 1989 Expo tape, the last one I sent, Rafael now named Da-Vid is on that tape when I predicted the earthquake for September and October of 1989. Both earthquakes came in each of those months. A five-seven in September and then a seven-two in October, 17.1989 Loma Prieta. I give these as warnnings then became prophcies, yet know one hears or can see, humanity is deaf and blind it appears. Hope to hear from you soon.

God Bless, Rev: Baba Ito

Edited 6-30-2008